What are the rules regarding casing of values for environment variable USERNAME in Windows?

Helfe beim Thema What are the rules regarding casing of values for environment variable USERNAME in Windows? in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; One of my customers says that in his AD usernames have mixed case sometimes and besides that, that people are able to successfully login using another... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von ThorstenSchöning, 10. Oktober 2018.

  1. ThorstenSchöning
    ThorstenSchöning Gast

    What are the rules regarding casing of values for environment variable USERNAME in Windows?

    One of my customers says that in his AD usernames have mixed case sometimes and besides that, that people are able to successfully login using another casing of usernames. So there might be an "ExampleUser" in the AD and Windows allows them to login with "exampleUSER" etc. as well.

    But what is the impact on the environment variable "USERNAME"?

    I have tested a bit myself without an AD and in all of my tests "USERNAME" had the value of the username as it has been created. So in case of "ExampleUser" created in Windows, using the login "EXAMPLEuser" provided "ExampleUser" as "USERNAME". That happened for RDP where users are free to input usernames as well as using "runas".

    My customer said that this is not the case for him at least sometimes, but instead if "ExampleUser" in the AD logs in using "exampleUSER", "USERNAME" really contains the value of the current login, "exampleUSER". I've found another question describing that as well:

    > For some users in this office, %USERNAME% is always in the case they type it when logging in.

    > For other users, %USERNAME has until recently always been in the canonical case (for a user logging in as elenasimpson it returns ElenaSimpson), but last week mysteriously started only doing this sometimes and the rest of the time returning it as typed. Rebooting often toggles to the other behaviour.

    What I did not found is any official docs from MS of what is the value of "USERNAME" under which setups and inputs of users. Are there any rules one can rely on?


    #1 ThorstenSchöning, 10. Oktober 2018
  2. Hobi Expert

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  3. Suman_B
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    #4 ThorstenSchöning, 11. Oktober 2018
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What are the rules regarding casing of values for environment variable USERNAME in Windows?

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What are the rules regarding casing of values for environment variable USERNAME in Windows? [gelöst]

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