cannot create a restore point (0x81000202, missing volume shadow copy service)

Helfe beim Thema cannot create a restore point (0x81000202, missing volume shadow copy service) in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; Hello friends, last night, when I was surfing on youtube, came something in action center. It said that something wrong with backup and recovery.... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von MengdiWang0701, 26. März 2017.

  1. MengdiWang0701
    MengdiWang0701 Gast

    cannot create a restore point (0x81000202, missing volume shadow copy service)

    Hello friends,

    last night, when I was surfing on youtube, came something in action center. It said that something wrong with backup and recovery. Then I tried to create a restore point but I failed. The desciption is so :" the volume shadow copy service used by system restore is not working".

    cannot create a restore point (0x81000202, missing volume shadow copy service)

    Then I haved found severals solutions to this in google. Some people said that the volume shadow copy service should be active. So I get into Computer Management -------> services and applications -------->services. Accroding to their words there should be something here called volume shadow copy service, but I cannot find it.

    cannot create a restore point (0x81000202, missing volume shadow copy service)

    Can someone tell me how to fix it? Thanks very much.

    And here are some information about my laptop:

    Razer Blader the late 2016

    System: Windows 10

    Update history: cannot create a restore point (0x81000202, missing volume shadow copy service)

    #1 MengdiWang0701, 26. März 2017
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    @ MengdiWang0701,To resolve that error message, we suggest that you run the System File Checker. It is a utility in Windows that allows users to scan for corruptions in Windows system files and restore corrupted files. You can check this article for more information.

    Update us with the outcome.

cannot create a restore point (0x81000202, missing volume shadow copy service)

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cannot create a restore point (0x81000202, missing volume shadow copy service) [gelöst]

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