Error 0x80073CF9

Helfe beim Thema Error 0x80073CF9 in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; Hey, Since a few days, I get this error on updates for Microsoft apps, Movies & TV and Groove Music so far. The update will download and then throw... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von thwp, 1. Juni 2016.

  1. thwp
    thwp Gast

    Error 0x80073CF9


    Since a few days, I get this error on updates for Microsoft apps, Movies & TV and Groove Music so far. The update will download and then throw the error, the apps also don't start anymore, they immediately crash. Non-Microsoft apps install and update fine, it's only Movies & TV and Groove. I'm guessing it's all Microsoft apps, but as long as no other apps get updated I can't check obviously.

    What I've done so far: checked my C/Windows/AUInstallAgent folder, it's present. Checked my drives and RAM for errors, even did a 5 hour run of Prime95 to make absolutely sure my hardware is fine, no issues.

    Any help would be appreciated, Movies & TV and Groove don't bother me, but if I'm right and sooner or later no Microsoft apps will work, it'd be a shame.

    Build: 10586.318, Win 10 Pro x64

  2. Hobi Expert

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