Headset only works, if standarddevice for audio in and out, standarddevice for...

Helfe beim Thema Headset only works, if standarddevice for audio in and out, standarddevice for... in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; Headset only works, if it is set as standarddevice for audio in and out, standard for communication on recording is not enough. I would like to have... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von Frank Dreesbach, 4. November 2016.

  1. Frank Dreesbach
    Frank Dreesbach Gast

    Headset only works, if standarddevice for audio in and out, standarddevice for...

    Headset only works, if it is set as standarddevice for audio in and out, standard for communication on recording is not enough.

    I would like to have speakers for music (standard audio out) and my headset for speech-recognition and telephony as standarddevice for communication.

    Why is there standarddevice and standard for communication, if there is no use for standard for communication? You have to use standard for all, the rest won't work.

    #1 Frank Dreesbach, 4. November 2016
  2. Hobi Expert

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Headset only works, if standarddevice for audio in and out, standarddevice for...

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Headset only works, if standarddevice for audio in and out, standarddevice for... [gelöst]

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