Settings & downloads "blocked by your organization" on private PC

Helfe beim Thema Settings & downloads "blocked by your organization" on private PC in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; Some of my PC settings as well as certain downloads or browser extensions are getting blocked with the message "blocked by your organization".This is... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von Debbie10, 21. Mai 2024.

  1. Debbie10
    Debbie10 Gast

    Settings & downloads "blocked by your organization" on private PC

    Some of my PC settings as well as certain downloads or browser extensions are getting blocked with the message "blocked by your organization".This is my private PC though and is not connected to any work domain.Under "Settings" > "Users" > "Work or school account" nothing is listed.I have used antivirus programs before, all of which I've since uninstalled and tried to clean up the registry. I'm not sure if this is affecting my PC still. What could be causing this? This is very inconvenient but I don't want to have to reinstall my whole Windows partition because of this issue.

    #1 Debbie10, 21. Mai 2024
  2. Hobi Expert

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Settings & downloads "blocked by your organization" on private PC

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Settings & downloads "blocked by your organization" on private PC [gelöst]

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