Surface Keyboard - How can I connect it at startup so I can use it in BIOS and other OS...

Helfe beim Thema Surface Keyboard - How can I connect it at startup so I can use it in BIOS and other OS... in Surface um eine Lösung zu finden; Hello! I have the microsoft surface ergonomic keyboard. I'd like to use it in Ubuntu and Windows at the same time without messing with the registry.... Dieses Thema im Forum "Surface" wurde erstellt von AndreasKurz1, 12. August 2020.

  1. AndreasKurz1
    AndreasKurz1 Gast

    Surface Keyboard - How can I connect it at startup so I can use it in BIOS and other OS...


    I have the microsoft surface ergonomic keyboard. I'd like to use it in Ubuntu and Windows at the same time without messing with the registry. Also it should be connected at startup.

    I guess my dongle is not capable of that. So if a dongle can do that - could you please let me know? I looked all over the internet but found nothing that could definately do that.

    Is there another way of doing that?


    #1 AndreasKurz1, 12. August 2020
  2. Hobi Expert

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