Error Code "0x800704cf" when Trying to log in

Helfe beim Thema Error Code "0x800704cf" when Trying to log in in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; Hello.Recently my old Microsoft Account has been compromised, hacked and all my Security Details we're either changed or removed, hence why Microsoft... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von Aurian Meyer, 4. Dezember 2024.

  1. Aurian Meyer
    Aurian Meyer Gast

    Error Code "0x800704cf" when Trying to log in

    Hello.Recently my old Microsoft Account has been compromised, hacked and all my Security Details we're either changed or removed, hence why Microsoft wasn't able to restore it, which I can't understand a single bit. Everything that got onto that account over the past 10 or so years is now gone apparently, and Microsoft is able to do absolutely nothing about it?So I now, unwilling had to create a new Microsoft Account This one obviously. I used the same e-mail as before, as the Hacker had completely removed all my e-mails from said previous account, and due to my ADHD, it's easiest for me to

    #1 Aurian Meyer, 4. Dezember 2024
  2. Hobi Expert

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Error Code "0x800704cf" when Trying to log in

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Error Code "0x800704cf" when Trying to log in [gelöst]

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