Headphones won't play sound on any driver after update

Helfe beim Thema Headphones won't play sound on any driver after update in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; After a win 10 update, my headphones stopped working only on this laptop. They were just fine a day ago, before I had updated. I've selected them as... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von heymysoundbroke, 31. Dezember 2017.

  1. heymysoundbroke
    heymysoundbroke Gast

    Headphones won't play sound on any driver after update

    After a win 10 update, my headphones stopped working only on this laptop. They were just fine a day ago, before I had updated. I've selected them as default device, update drivers, tried older drivers and followed all kinds of tutorials on how to get them to work again, but no results. Anything else i can try, apart from system recovery and then never let my laptop update ever again? lol.

    #1 heymysoundbroke, 31. Dezember 2017
  2. Hobi Expert

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Headphones won't play sound on any driver after update

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