Microsoft Store has this weird blurry/frosted overlay

Helfe beim Thema Microsoft Store has this weird blurry/frosted overlay in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; I can't really describe it better, so I'm just gonna put a picture hereApparently uploading pictures also doesn't work, so here's a link to Imgur:... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von S. Schmidt-Baur, 20. Mai 2024.

  1. S. Schmidt-Baur
    S. Schmidt-Baur Gast

    Microsoft Store has this weird blurry/frosted overlay

    I can't really describe it better, so I'm just gonna put a picture hereApparently uploading pictures also doesn't work, so here's a link to Imgur:'ve reinstalled Windows maybe 4 hours ago after this glitch happened in the first place and when setting everything up it looked fine but after restarting it looks like that again.Help would be much appreciated!LG

    #1 S. Schmidt-Baur, 20. Mai 2024
  2. Hobi Expert

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Microsoft Store has this weird blurry/frosted overlay

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Microsoft Store has this weird blurry/frosted overlay - Ähnliche Themen - Microsoft Store has

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