Unlinking my PC from one drive got rid of my files

Helfe beim Thema Unlinking my PC from one drive got rid of my files in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; I was reassured my files would remain if I unlinked my PC from one drive, but now all things in all file locations have been replaced with "Shortcut to... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von O. B. H., 12. Februar 2024.

  1. O. B. H.
    O. B. H. Gast

    Unlinking my PC from one drive got rid of my files

    I was reassured my files would remain if I unlinked my PC from one drive, but now all things in all file locations have been replaced with "Shortcut to X OneDrive - Personal" and I cannot open that. How do I get my files back and permanently get rid of one drive.

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Unlinking my PC from one drive got rid of my files

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