xbox 360 controller doest run on Windows 10

Helfe beim Thema xbox 360 controller doest run on Windows 10 in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; The support lady told me it was possible playing games on windows using a 360 controller with a charge and play cable and she said my problem was not... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von thomastoll1995, 10. Juli 2016.

  1. thomastoll1995
    thomastoll1995 Gast

    xbox 360 controller doest run on Windows 10

    The support lady told me it was possible playing games on windows using a 360 controller with a charge and play cable and she said my problem was not using win 8 or higher since i used win 7 64. So i went to a pc running win 10 and wanted to try it out but i cant get it working. There are also no drivers for connecting a 360 pad to win 10 on the official windows site. There are only drivers for 7 and lower. The four light around the xbox button are blinking permanently and there is no response from the controller. Im sorry but there is no categorie "xbox" where i could post this in

    #1 thomastoll1995, 10. Juli 2016
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  3. hal9000
    hal9000 BoardComputer
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    25. August 2015

    @ thomastoll1995,

    I realize the inconvenience you are facing with accessing the Charge and Play cable on Xbox 360, do not worry we will help you with this issue.
    Do let us know what exactly happens when you try to access the cable?
    I would like to inform that you can play the games using the cable. There might some reasons like:

    • The battery has reached the charge limit.
    • There's a problem with the charge cable.
    • There's a problem with the battery.
    I suggest you to try the troubleshooting steps suggested in the below Microsoft help article and check if it helps.

    The Rechargeable Battery Pack does not charge when it’s connected to your Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit

    Hope it helps. Get back to us with an updated status of accessing the cable for further assistance.

xbox 360 controller doest run on Windows 10

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