Ads and other problems in Windows 10 Start Menu

Helfe beim Thema Ads and other problems in Windows 10 Start Menu in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; I just noticed that the start menu had 5 games in it I never downloaded. Candy Crush, Microsoft Solitaire, Disney Magic Kingdoms, March of empires... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von Sinom., 14. März 2018.

  1. Sinom.
    Sinom. Gast

    Ads and other problems in Windows 10 Start Menu

    I just noticed that the start menu had 5 games in it I never downloaded.

    Candy Crush, Microsoft Solitaire, Disney Magic Kingdoms, March of empires and bubblewitch saga 3.

    Ads and other problems in Windows 10 Start Menu

    I clicked on them to test if they were just your usual "suggestions" which I turned off in the settings but still appear.

    They were not. When I clicked on them the software started so it was installed on my harddrive which already had nearly no space left.

    (when clicking on solitaire it started downloading it without asking me if I even wanted to download it.)

    Minecraft Windows 10 edition I downloaded once a few months ago but never put into my startmenu.

    Once I uninstalled all the apps I still didn't have any more free space but less because it now aditionally installed solitaire collection and didn't let me uninstall it again.

    I also recently reorganized my start menu to have the communication software and browser I actually use but when I looked at it again these were gone and Edge and Skype were there again. It was also ordered completely differently than what i ordered them before.

    My questions are:

    How do I stop that from happening?

    How do I stop Windows 10 from shuffeling around my start menu?

    How do I stop "suggestions" from showing up is they show up even after I turned them of in the personalization tab?

    How do I stop Windows 10 from downloading random apps and putting them on my computer and in my start menu?

    How do I remove the uninstalled apps from my harddrive?

    Why does it now in windows store when clicking on the "suggested" apps say that I own them?

    How can I change that?

    If I can not, then why can't I change that?

    If there are any other obvious questions from the text above I forgot please also try answering them.

    My Windows version is: Windows 10 Pro Version 1709 build 16299.125

  2. Hobi Expert

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