my pc is crashing commonly and making a loud buzzing sound event-ID 41

Helfe beim Thema my pc is crashing commonly and making a loud buzzing sound event-ID 41 in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; Hello dear community, I'm on W10 Pro 22H2 and build 19045.4412AMD Ryzen processor and GPU with the newest drivers installed.I checked Voltage output in... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von Joshi360, 21. Mai 2024.

  1. Joshi360
    Joshi360 Gast

    my pc is crashing commonly and making a loud buzzing sound event-ID 41

    Hello dear community, I'm on W10 Pro 22H2 and build 19045.4412AMD Ryzen processor and GPU with the newest drivers installed.I checked Voltage output in Bios and seemed normal.Dust was cleared out recently and Overclocking is deactivated on factory settings.My computer is regularly crashing with intervals of 0–6 times per day, on average around 2-3.My screen will turn black or dark gray and when listening to music it will distort the sound. Sometimes my computer is rebooting instantaneously, but other times it will take around 30 seconds before anything happens, and the screen is stuck on black

    #1 Joshi360, 21. Mai 2024
  2. Hobi Expert

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my pc is crashing commonly and making a loud buzzing sound event-ID 41

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my pc is crashing commonly and making a loud buzzing sound event-ID 41 - Ähnliche Themen - crashing commonly and

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my pc is crashing commonly and making a loud buzzing sound event-ID 41 [gelöst]

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