why is windows crashing when i logout or install an update

Helfe beim Thema why is windows crashing when i logout or install an update in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; so my windows always shows a bluescreen when i want to logout and also when i tried to restart it. There was always a bluescreen with the error code... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von Daniel Reißer, 24. April 2023.

  1. Daniel Reißer
    Daniel Reißer Gast

    why is windows crashing when i logout or install an update

    so my windows always shows a bluescreen when i want to logout and also when i tried to restart it. There was always a bluescreen with the error code 0xc0000006 on it. then i found out it has something to do with java so i tried to deinstall it and it crashed again and since then when i try to restart or logout i get the error code critical_process_died and I also want to update my windows but i cant everytime i click on update and restart nothing happens

    #1 Daniel Reißer, 24. April 2023
  2. Hobi Expert

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why is windows crashing when i logout or install an update

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