Windows 8.1 doesn't boot anymore after Windows 10 installation on 2nd drive

Helfe beim Thema Windows 8.1 doesn't boot anymore after Windows 10 installation on 2nd drive in Windows 10 Support um eine Lösung zu finden; I have Windows 8.1 on one drive. I install Windows 10 on a second physical drive. Then the computer always boots into Win10. "Ok", I think, before... Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows 10 Support" wurde erstellt von Meicrosoft, 29. Januar 2021.

  1. Meicrosoft
    Meicrosoft Gast

    Windows 8.1 doesn't boot anymore after Windows 10 installation on 2nd drive

    I have Windows 8.1 on one drive.

    I install Windows 10 on a second physical drive.

    Then the computer always boots into Win10. "Ok", I think, before he would always ask which Windows version to boot before, Windows 8.1 was installed on that second drive.

    I put the Windows 8.1 drive first in the boot order in BIOS. It still boots Win10.

    I press F8 and select the Win8 drive, it still boots Win10.

    I physically detach the Win10 drive, it only boots into BIOS...

    Can someone help me. I read afterwards that one should remove all other drives before installing Win10. Great.

    What I tried after removing the Win10 drive:

    bootrec /rebuildbcd

    It finds the Windows installation, but when I press Yes, it says "Element not found".

    fixmbr brings no changes either.

    I tried the diskpart/select as active thing, but it said something along the lines of my drive is no MBR drive.

    What did the Win10 installation do to my Win8 installation??? And why??? I don't want to reinstall everything. I can still see all my data and folders when I reattach the Win10 drive and open the File Manager from inside Win10, so it's definitely not that the drive is corrupt, it was working and booting fine before I installed Windows 10.

    One goes out of his way to install Windows 10 on a separate SSD and not just a different partition, to make sure that the original installation remains untouched, and then it f***ks up everything anyway!! What happened??

    #1 Meicrosoft, 29. Januar 2021
  2. Hobi Expert

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Windows 8.1 doesn't boot anymore after Windows 10 installation on 2nd drive

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